Presentation Formats

The 13th Annual Conference of the Society for Media in Science 2008 emphasizes interactive formats. The pre-conference focuses on the emphases of the conference by means of 'round tables'. Apart from key-notes, traditional presentations, a panel, poster sessions and a market place, participants will directly interact with experts in a "breakfast with key note speakers". Live streaming of key-note presentations and the concluding panel will provide the opportunity for an active participation in the discussion by way of blogs.

Lectures and posters

The media supported lectures last 15 minutes with a subsequent discussion of another 15 minutes. Recent scientific insights, practical experiences, results of empirical research, and theoretical and conceptual deliberations will be presented to an expert audience. One track will be especially towards up-and-coming researchers who will be supported in the development of their own current research projects. Benefit from the expertise of known experts who will provide valuable feedback to your research projects in an environment of respect and mutual appreciation.

Deadline for submissions: April 14, 2008
Notification of acceptance: May 12, 2008

Pre-Conference Round-Table Discussions

Round tables enable the participants a moderated exploration and discussion of a specific problem or a specific topic. The moderators accompany and structure the discussion process and provide a brief introduction of topic and goal of the round table. It is the primary goal to develop a topic based on the perspective of the participants and to develop creative methods for resolution of selected problem in an open ambiance. Subsequently the results of the round table are documented and presented to the plenum for discussion.

Deadline for submissions: April 14, 2008
Notification of acceptance: May 12, 2008


On the marketplace, original developments and open source eLearning tools can be presented. Presenters for the marketplace are selected by the conference administration.

Deadlines for application: May 5, 2008
Notification of acceptance: June 2, 2008